How does nature diffuse light?
How does nature diffuse light?

Certain Biominerals in Leaves Function as Light Scatterers.
Biological mechanism
Cystoliths are amorphous calcium carbonate bodies that form in the leaves of some plant families. Certain minerals in the leaves of different plants distribute the light flux more evenly inside the leaf.
Based on parametric data, we created digital models of three cystoliths found in various species of ficus. Using 3D printing, we prototyped models in different scales and tested their optical properties. The Design team sought a suitable object to visually showcase the unique biomimetic properties generated by these structures. We wanted to pay homage to the playful product from Magis. Eero Aarnio’s 2003 Puppy is a frequently redesigned icon. We decided to undergo our own transformation into an artful seating-lighting form.
Tončíková Z., Kružlicová L., Ihring M., Farkašová E.
The 3D scene is loading – 0%
Start by dragging the model

BioWDesign Gallery 2024
We present the initial outcomes of the project at the intersection of art and science.
Our intention is to showcase the results of the scientific phase of the project in a creative manner. Our outputs consist of biomimetic models. These prototypes exhibit fascinating features. They are beautiful, possess remarkable properties, and, at first glance, appear as organic artifacts to designers. We sought a way to bring their future applications closer to designers and the public, and we chose a unique approach. You will become acquainted with our models through a distinctive scene.
We have selected iconic pieces – legends of 20th-century furniture design. They will come to life in the BIOWDESIGN GALLERY 2024 in a transformed, visionary art form. We intend to pay homage to renowned designers and the era in which these iconic pieces were created. Through their historical creations, we will provide a glimpse of a path for the future.